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Your words can change lives. This is the foundation of Amnesty International’s global letter writing. Every year Amnesty International selects ten different cases of people who are facing injustice. The campaign takes place every year on the occasion of December 10, the anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and is one of the largest global human rights events. 


Write for Rights: LUC Action
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” It was so empowering to see how many saw the importance of supporting the activists part of the Write for Rights campaign.”

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Write for Rights: Online Action

” Joining forces with other Student Groups across the Netherlands to do our part to support activists around the world was an empowering experience. This was probably due to the fact that Amnesty students groups understand the courage and persistence that activism needs. We are therefore deeply grateful for the battles activists keep fighting despite immense adversities.

Write for Rights: National Student Day

Every year during Write for Rights around 10 December (Human Rights Day) Amnesty International takes action for people who have been greatly wronged. We send hundreds of thousands of letters to authorities asking them to put an end to this injustice.

Write for Rights: Masterclass

” Before the masterclass, I was skeptical of the power that writing letter could have. I completely changed my mind. Those people are fighting also on our behalf, it is the minimum that we can do to show support.”


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