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With the campaign Let’s Talk About YES, we want to start a dialogue about sex and consent, especially among young people. Most do not know who to turn to at their educational institution.

Amnesty International calls on higher education institutions to take responsibility in countering sexual violence. We urge them to sign a manifesto in which they promise to better protect their students. Student life is and should be a key moment in sexual development and exploration, for which our university communities should provide a safe environment. Together we can build a support structure and culture in which sex is based on mutual, voluntary, ongoing, enthusiastic and freely given consent.


Activist of the Month: March Edition

I knew Valeria a bit before, but through the interview, I came to understand her as an activist and as a woman in a completely different way, which created a deeper connection between us.

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Women's Rights March

Even if I was not able to understand every speech, it was very insightful to listen to activists from all kinds of backgrounds with different messages all relating to feminism, and to hear the passion with which they spoke. And later, marching with everyone, listening to the music and reading the different signs, and discussing ideas with random people creates a very special feeling of unity.

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One Billion Rising

I had never thought about protesting or raising awareness about sexual assault by dancing, but, in the middle of Plein, dancing with UNICEF team as well as the people that joined without even preparing the choreography, and listening to Valeria’s speech re-affirms my belief in the importance and future success of this movement.

Safe Expression Space Art Workshop

” The decision to organize ana art workshop stemmed from the belief that art has the power to shape society. After having seen how many people showed up and the artwork they created, I am even more convinced on the role of Art x Activism”

Dress Nakedness Art Exhibition

Although the Art Exhibition could only take place online, scrolling through the images portraying so much vulnerability, gave me the feeling of looking at the person and their experiences with sexual harassment behind the art, which was deeply touching. 

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Harassment Workshop
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The workshop took place in a small setting, creating a safe space where participants, including me, felt comfortable sharing personal experiences and developing strategies for dealing with sexual harassment. A few days later, I encountered  a situation where I could apply what I had learned, which was empowering.

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Safe Expression Space Art Workshop

” Sometimes it is really difficult to do activism on the street as people pass you by with indifference. However, even those who did not stop to sign the petition, they did read our signs. I hope that they sparked some questions in them.”

Action Week: #Let'sTalkAboutYes

” As students enter the university’s doors, everything appears ordinary. Some are laughing, others are talking with friends or rushing to class. Such routineness was shaken when students stopped to the “story mannequin” to share their experience of sexual violence. 

It was truly heartbreaking to see the amount of students they had a story to share… It should not be the case and university has a responsibility. Universities across the Netherlands do not want to acknowledge that.”

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Action Week: #Let'sTalkAboutYes

” After reading the evaluation feedbacks we gave after the workshop, it was recurrent the statement “I learnt many things I did not know”. This made me realize that discussion around consent are still needed for university students. 

Given the shocking statistics on rape in Dutch universities, universities should commit to provide such space. So far they failed.” 


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